Interview by Jean Marie Stine
[This never-before reprinted conversation was originally published in an issue of the Los Angeles Reader in mid-1984 (at the time of the Dune movie's release).]
JMS: In Dune, written in the early '60s, you were one of the first to question the danger of modifying the ecology of a particular environment to try to "improve" human conditions.

happened was that they had more water and more grazing areas. More arable land was opened up, more cattle
were put on the land, and the population grew to equal the new food supply. Then about five years ago, the rainfall,
cyclic rainfall, decidedly decreased.
Three years ago it went, practically dry. Of course the water table went down much
faster because they were pumping. Right
now as we sit here talking, 2,000 people a day are dying in that area. You can't go in and fix one thing to make
everything all right in a complex situation. It's like an internal combustion
engine. If there is only one thing wrong
you may happen on the one thing that fixes it.
But chances are much larger that by just doing one thing you create
other problems you're going to have to adjust.
And you have to keep adjusting until you create a balance.
instance, one of the side effects of what we did in some of those North African
villages was that we broke down the social system. Women previously went to the well for water,
which they carried back on their heads, and the well was where they solved all
their community problems. By piping
water into the houses we cut off that link in their society and all hell broke
loose. There were family feuds, murders,
all kinds of things that had never occurred in these places, in that particular
way, ever before. The Green Revolution
was another, similar con game. We went
in with a technologically based system into primitive countries, and where
before they had depended on manure and animals to pull their plows and that
sort of thing, we made them dependent on special soil additives and special
seed stock which was, by the way, very vulnerable to disease.
JMS: In Dune
one of the groups is trying, through genetic manipulation and selective
breeding, to produce a mental superman, a Kwisatz Haderach, who can see and
predict the course of future history, guiding humanity along the best path for
its development. But in Children of
Dune, the hero's son, after achieving a state of radically expanded
consciousness, says, " no Kwisatz Haderach."

most people want when they talk about futurism -- all the companies that hire
me to play futurist for them -- they don't want the future, they want now
locked in. FDR, he did it. In 1933 he appointed a committee called the
Brain Trust. They were given the primary
job of "determining" what the course of technological development and
innovation would be for the next 25 years and what influence this would have on
our lives. What had they not come up
with? That's the fascinating thing. Faster-than-sound travel, transistors,
antibiotics, atomic power, World War II, are just a few small items that these
Brain Trusters missed. What does this
say to us? It says that if you look at
history carefully the surprises are the things that turn us upside down as a
society. Asimov in his Foundation
Trilogy has the Second Foundation, which can predict the course of the future,
and he has his character the Mule in there, his wild card, but again totally
within scientifically predictable norms.
technology does to us is distribute the wild cards farther and farther
afield. Because really what's going on
is that the amount of energy that can be aimed and released is getting greater
and greater and falling into the hands of smaller and smaller groups. The availability of this energy is also being
disseminated all through this society.
Something I proved conclusively in my research for White Plague. I got on the horn and I started calling
suppliers of equipment I would need to engage in recombinant DNA research
myself in my basement. I introduced
myself only as Dr. Herbert. I didn't
elaborate. You know, what's the
difference between a Doctor of Letters and a Doctor of Medicine? Anyway, I asked, "How, does my
purchasing department get your XR 21?" Their reply was, "When your check has
cleared, we will ship." Anything I
does that mean I want to clamp a lid on it?
No way! That would only drive it
underground and make a black market, which is what we do with hard drugs. We create a black market. A very profitable black market by the way,
which can buy the inviolate Briefcases of diplomats, buy the police force of an
entire major city or enough of it that it makes no never mind. You know what happened to the heroin the cops
seized in The French Connection? It vanished from the police property room in
New York City. You can't control these
things with a lid. In fact if you try,
like a pressure cooker, you only create dangerous, explosive pressure.
of the species depends on adaptability, and that depends on variability, variation. I think that big government is one of the
major dangers in our world. It tends to
homogenize a society, and our strength is in our variations. The bigger it is, the worse it is. Small governments, small societies --
developing their own mores, their own social systems, their own people, going
their own ways to a limit -- do not endanger their neighbors. I hope to God we get off the planet soon,
because that's what will happen in space.
The difficulty of communication across space at our present level of
technology dictates that if we get off this planet with a viable breeding
population of humans, and if they scatter into different directions, each group
is going to develop in its own way.
Variation means the species will survive. And that's what I'm addressing in the Dune
JMS: You said earlier that your original vision of the Dune saga encompassed only the material in three volumes culminating with Children of Dune. Why did you write more?
HERBERT: I had a character who wouldn't get out of my head. it fascinated me to think of what kind of a society would develop if it was under the thumb of one individual for 3,500 years. You know, it's kind of like an amplification of the Pharaonic dynasties but all in one dynasty. So I had that character firmly in mind. It wouldn't get out. So I said, "Okay, here's your society after 3,500 years. What happens? What has happened? What do we become?" I was also questioning another major premise: that we know what peace is. And yet for that to be true, every person would have to know themselves in the classical sense. Every Person would, have to know: "Why am I doing this? What are my motives? What is my unconscious direction?" Well, that is a big issue, you know. A much bigger issue than people generally realize. So I'm saying, "All right, you think you know peace and what it would mean and you think you know what the future can bring. Here's a guy that's going to give it to you for 3,500 years and enforce it. The only violence is his. Experience it for the term of the book, and see how you like it." It's a little demonstration project like 1984.
all of these premises are the same premise when you come right back to it. That evolution cuts off right here. And this is the destiny of humankind, not a
death wish, in my books. That's what I'm
playing with in the seventh book, moving toward showing the kind of government
that finally evolves out of the situation I've been creating.
been playing these games all along. Not
popular games. But obviously there are
15 million people worldwide who have said, "Hey, this is
interesting." So I have an audience
out there. And I'm talking to them,
saying, "Take another look at a these precious premises upon which we have
based our governments and our ideas of leadership. Let's take a good, long, hard look at
things. Do they really work or do we
continue to make mistakes - the same mistakes over and over and over?
Excellent interview. Got my brain juices flowing.